Podcast – How Google uses behavioral science to make work suck less

Podcast: How Google uses behavioral science to make work suck less This episode of the You Are Not So Smart podcast came recommended by Donncha, a colleague at Automattic. It’s packed full of really interesting thoughts, including “the job of a manager is to serve their team”; a good reminder that everything we at WordPress.com VIP do in …

Command-C Alfred Workflow by Sayz Lim

Here’s a great workflow for Alfred which sends your clipboard to an iOS device via the wonderful Command-C: Command-C supports x-callback-url which I can use in Alfred workflow. I create an Alfred workflow called Command-C that contains basic custom actions to send clipboard from Mac to selected iOS devices. There are three types of supported …

Testing repositories with private submodules in Travis

Recently I’ve been working on a project we’re testing in Travis CI and we need to include some submodules referencing private GitHub repositories then run the tests on the combined code. Naturally Travis fails to retrieve the submoduled repositories, because it’s not authorised to do so. This is how we’re getting around that…

All about WordPress Web Addresses

I’ve given this presentation at WordCamp London 2015, and last night at the Manchester WordPress User Group. Essentially the talk title is a trojan horse to talk about rewrite rules and regular expressions, without everyone running out of the room screaming because I put “regex” in the talk title. ;) 

MWUG notes from Wednesday 21 January 2015

Some notes from last night’s MWUG meeting. Something I don’t get along to often enough, as Mike has mentioned on occasion. :)

Business and Open Source

At WordCamp Europe 2014, I described how working with Open Source has enabled me to grow in business, and to grow my business. I talked about the tensions between Open Source and traditional business instincts, and shared how giving in to giving stuff away has powered my growth as a consultant working with WordPress. If you’re …

I have a dream, about development environments (presentation)

This is the presentation I gave today at WordCamp Manchester, 2014. There’s an embed of the slides below, and you can also download the version with my (fairly verbose) speaker notes.