Testing HTTP redirects with Curl

We’ve got a really complex redirection setup for the current project at work, a mix of some general rules (http://blog.example.com/ to http://www.example.com/blog/), some oddball domain redirects (http://blog.example.jp/ to http://www.example.co.jp/blog/), and some more esoteric ones thrown in there for luck. I started off briefing my colleague with a description of what I needed, but this very …

Using the OSX clipboard from the command line

The OSX pbcopy terminal command, which adds “stuff” to the clipboard to be pasted later, is really useful. For example, to download some webpage and put the HTML source in the clipboard: Here’s a WordPress example; want to get some fresh API salts and keys for a wp-config.php? Try this: Want to be notified when …

Alfred extension: Convert clipboard to plain text

Update: Well, what do you I know? It turns out that Andrew, developer of Alfred, has already got this covered and my weak Google-Fu didn’t turn it up: plain text paste in Alfred. So don’t use my version, use his. I got tired of copying formatted text from a web page, pasting into a text …