Political Scrapbooking 

… the notion that large numbers of pro-Brexit voters are experiencing buyer’s remorse is both unproven and irrelevant. … And it is hard to avoid the feeling that much of the Remain camp disappointment comes from people who are simply not used to losing votes that might negatively affect their own lives. As Manchester Professor Rob Ford put it, the English middle class is simply experiencing what UKIP voters have had to put up with for years.

Uniting the United Kingdom by Anand Menon for Foreign Affairs

As so often, political reality will trump the lawyers. Alan Renwick of the UCL constitution unit argues that there is now a political imperative for the next prime minister to hold a parliamentary vote before the invocation of Article 50. But it is hard to imagine that MPs would choose to overturn the majority decision of the referendum on June 23rd.

Who has the right to trigger Brexit? In The Economist



Click to access Brexit%20Options%20A3%20final.pdf




This is fascinating:



…by their silence Corbyn and his troubled, paranoid court have delivered us, in effect, and for the time being, into a one-party state…

Britain is changed utterly. Unless this summer is just a bad dream by Ian McEwan for The Guardian



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