The bus timetables are in PDFs on the Stagecoach website. The local gov website fails in the browser on my mobile. Brilliantly inaccessible. #
Category Archives: Quick thoughts
That is torture. In the distance I can see the bus I want, but there is no way, even though I am now a brilliant runner, that I can get it. #
Corporate greed
Heading for GeekUp. It feels like they’ve reduced the bus services at the same time as increasing the prices. Where’s my placard? #
YouTube’s blogging API
It seems YouTube’s remote publishing function (XMLRPC, etc) will only publish, not create draft posts. Which seems awkward. #
MyOpenID seemed very slow this…
MyOpenID seemed very slow this morning, @gpen, and yes a flaw occurred to me. I’ve outsourced my keys and now I can’t get in my house. #
The fine art of procrastination
From the astoundingly elaborate procrastination, I’d say that “tendering” is not the most fascinating subject Carolyn has had to revise. #
Just swapped glasses with Sue …
Just swapped glasses with Sue Pollard. Slightly scared. #
In an art party at Cornerhouse…
In an art party at Cornerhouse. Sue Pollard is here in an impossibly sparkly red sequined catsuit. Actually. With sparkles. Stunned. #
It seems like people are sudde…
It seems like people are suddenly talking about "micro conversions" in analytics:, #
At one end of a conference cal…
At one end of a conference call, listening to technology fail at the other end. One. Piece. At. A. Time. Feeling helpless. #