In the A16z podcast episode on “Feedback Loops” they talk about the controversial, and frankly just tricky, topic of measuring productivity. I found the whole episode interesting, but you might want to listen for 5-10 minutes from about 20:00 minutes in or just read my notes and trust I’ve heard them right 😃

My notes:

  • Don’t use Lines of Code to measure productivity, you end up with pointless lines of code
  • Don’t use agile velocity (i.e. story points burn down), these are more a measure of effort for capacity planning purposes (and they can be gamed)
  • The interviewees (Nicole Forsgren and Jez Humble) recommend:
    • Lead time (code commit to code deploy) – they talk about this as an “outcome” not an “output”, but I’m not sure I entirely follow here, though I do see it as a measure of the whole team’s ability to deliver value (assuming that’s what the code commit delivers) to a client
    • Release frequency
    • Time to restore
    • Change fail rate
    • …but Nicole and Jez admit there are gaps here in measuring if the change delivers value (i.e. effectiveness, efficiency, customer satisfaction, delivering mission goals)

I wonder if there’s a “time to positive outcome” metric (using the outcomes defined when the opportunity was identified), which would encourage tight iteration to allow frequent course correction? Measuring a team on the outcomes they themselves define when the opportunity is identified requires a team of high moral fibre, as there’s a possibility to game it right there.

Photo credit: © Travis Wise, 2014, Dials and Gauges

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  1. Hmm tricky one.

    It seems to me that most attempts to measure quantitatively these things encourage gaming the system.

    Of course it’s possible to pointlessly split a task into smaller tasks to make it seem more significant. Likewise, it’s possible to game a system by selectively attacking tasks which you know in advance gets “more points”.

    Also release frequency is very much a matter which needs to be decided carefully and agreed with other parties; we can’t just say “faster is better” or we’d just end up deploying a load of crappy untested code (for more points?), or spend 90% of time doing release-engineering for tiny releases?

  2. I’m not convinced that measuring those things is massively useful. Change fail rate is a tricky one, what counts as a fail? Minor bug? Does it depend what the change was?

    I did know one company where management calculated release “failness” to decide how many engineers to dismiss… let’s not go there.

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