I’ve given this presentation at WordCamp London 2015, and last night at the Manchester WordPress User Group. Essentially the talk title is a trojan horse to talk about rewrite rules and regular expressions, without everyone running out of the room screaming because I put “regex” in the talk title. ;)
Once upon a time we passed parameters to create web pages, now we use pretty URLs and (hopefully) think through our URLs carefully. URLs are one of the fundamental commands a user can give WordPress, and they can be poetic, powerful and precise all at once.
This talk will cover how URLs are turned into `WP_Query` parameters, what URL endpoints are and when to use them, how URLs can be attractive and amusing, and how to use URLs across different post type structures.
Here’s the code I use throughout the presentation, as a plugin to download and slice and dice.
Thanks to my colleague Fränk Klein for his Live VIP Code Review™, while I rehearsed the talk in the green room at WordCamp London.