If Saul Bass had designed the Star Wars credits: http://tinyurl.com/3b7lbz. Very nice. #
Category Archives: Quick thoughts
BarCamp Manchester. Why would you not. # Travel, is that not the first axis. Let’t join in. (Must not twitter when inebriated. -Ed)
Good turn out for the first BarCamp Manchester. Looking forward to the day ahead. # Great talk from Dan Morris on the BBC’s work with teens. Waiting nervously for my slot on WordPress now. # BarCamp Manchester has decamped to the bar to disintegrate. Well done to Paul Robinson for pulling and holding the day …
After leaving it til the last minute, I’m resurrecting my WordPress talk for Barcamp. Let’s see if I can manage a working laptop this time! #
Quick thoughts for 2008-02-27 (via Twitter)
Woken by the earthquake last night, very confused. # Coverflow is what was missing for my photo management on OSX; now I can eschew photo management software and keep them in organised folders. #
Quick thoughts for 2008-02-26 (via Twitter)
That’s quite neat: if you hold onto an application by it’s top bar then use a Spaces hotkey, you can easily move it between virtual desktops #
Quick thoughts for 2008-02-25 (via Twitter)
There seems to be a problem with MacFUSE/SSHFS such that when you mount a drive it doesn’t show up in the sidebar. It is there in /Volumes/ # It’s a shame that the Time Machine icon in the menubar doesn’t dim when Time Machine is disabled. Seems the obvious thing to do. #
Quick thoughts for 2008-02-23 (via Twitter)
Having the path to the current folder shown at the bottom of Finder is useful. I have no idea why it hadn’t been included before. # Having that ridiculously noisy LaCie Quadra drive as my TimeMachine backup drive is going to drive me insane. # Back in render time hell. Everything is sooooo slooooooow… .. …
Continue reading “Quick thoughts for 2008-02-23 (via Twitter)”
Quick thoughts for 2008-02-22 (via Twitter)
I’ve set SuperDuper going over lunch, and then in the afternoon I shall make the leap to Leopard. # Some damn sexy data visualisations at www.linkfluence.net. # Ooh look. A leopard. # Front Row is so much more responsive in Leopard than Tiger. Network drives seem less prone to jamming the whole system as well. …
Continue reading “Quick thoughts for 2008-02-22 (via Twitter)”
Quick thoughts for 2008-02-20 (via Twitter)
Is it me, or is the iTunes music store slooooww? #