Quick thoughts for 2008-01-26 (via Twitter)

They’re cutting down the Acacia tree behind us; not great from an environmental viewpoint, but it will mean we get summer sun after 1pm. # Finished entering 134 receipts into a spreadsheet, one step closer to the completing my last minute tax return! # Oh no… just found another folder of receipts. Back to Excel …

Quick thoughts for 2008-01-21 (via Twitter)

"The PayPal site is currently experiencing technical difficulties with our credit card processor." This is on their test system… eh? # Spring ’08 is shaping up to be good for live music: I’ve booked for Fink in the Northern Quarter, Alabama 3 at the Academy, Portishead TBC. # Got an invite to Fork’d, Cooking 2.0. …

Quick thoughts for 2008-01-18 (via Twitter)

Good lord above getting Win98 onto Parallels is so ridiculously hard. # With Parallels, I do like the idea that Windows installs are contained… floating in a virtual bell jar filled with imaginary formaldehyde. # "Print and sign please" I hate writing on those delivery driver’s handhelds, it makes my writing look even more like …

Quick thoughts for 2008-01-16 (via Twitter)

@samclark – If Leopard still freezes on boot with a non-existent drive then I’m not updating. # Very amusing tale from Gruber’s kid: http://twitter.com/AmyJane/statuses/603632882 # Darn, I was hoping to get over to Leeds GeekUp this evening, but Work is squatting on my life and it’s not going to happen. # Really interesting ideas from …

Quick thoughts for 2008-01-11 (via Twitter)

Just mounted a drive over SSH using MacFUSE and SSHFS, nice: http://tinyurl.com/2trsb3 # @everyone re SSH drives… I know! I’m a little ashamed about how exciting I think it is! # Ah, I’ve just realised that (of course) there is a Twitter user called @everyone and the only message on their account is inevitable really. …

Confluence link to the current page

For my current Confluence project, I’ve used Adaptavist Theme Builder to customise the View/Upload Attachments screen and I wanted to add an explicit link “back” to make it easier for users to return to the current page. I could have used Javascript, and so much of Confluence depends on client side scripting that it probably …